Historic Rosh Pina and Rosh Pina Nature Reserve
The historic, restored upper town of Rosh Pina, now an artists’ village, is a delight to visit. Rosh Pina was one of the first Jewish agricultural settlements to be established in Palestine during the First Aliyah, and also one of the first to be rescued from bankruptcy by Baron Edmond de Rothschild. Evidence of his involvement can be seen throughout this part of town. He subsequently supported many other settlements. A hike along the Rosh Pina Stream in the Rosh Pina Nature Reserve is a wonderful way for rounding out your visit.
Directions and parking: Your destination within Rosh Pina will depend on parking availability. If there are few visitors, there may be parking on HaBoulevard off HaHaluzim St. Enter “Ha-Boulevard” into Waze and click on “Ha-Boulevard, Rosh Pina.” Otherwise, park further down the hill in parking areas on Derech HaYekev or Derech Hamerkaz. Enter “Derech HaYekev” into Waze and click on “Dereck HaYekev Rosh Pina.” You can also park at one of the two malls in Rosh Pina and take a 20-minute walk up the hill along David Shuv St. to the historic neighborhood.
Public transport: Enter "Rosh Pina" into Moovit. There are frequent buses between Kiryat Shmona and Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Safed.

The House of the Clerks. From these offices, Rothschild’s clerks administered this settlement and others in the Galilee.
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Rosh Pina - tough beginnings
Rosh Pina is located in the Eastern Upper Galilee on a plateau on the side of Mount Canaan. Walking through this idyllic village, it can be difficult to appreciate that establishing a settlement in this location in the late 1800s was a tough proposition. The first attempt was made by a number of yeshiva students from Safed who came with their families to engage in agriculture rather than relying on charity. In 1878, they purchased about half the land of the Arab village of Jauneh. Their settlement was called Gei-Oni and was situated close to the Arab villagers. However, within two years all but a few of them had returned to Safed following a year of drought.
The next attempt was in 1882 when Jews mainly from Rumania plus a few from Russia who were members of the Chovevei Zion movement settled here together with two of the remaining families from Safed, a total of 140 people. Chovevei Zion was an East European Zionist movement that promoted immigration to Palestine and their immigration was part of of the First Aliyah. The settlers called their moshav Rosh Pina (Corner Stone) after the verse in Psalms (118:22): "The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.” Their homes were built in what is now the “top road.” They attempted a number of agricultural ventures, but knew very little about farming and were unsuccessful in all of them. Their money ran out and they only managed to survive by mortgaging their land and property to creditors. They sent out emissaries for assistance. Baron Edmund de Rothschild from Paris responded and agreed to sponsor their settlement. This was one of the first of many ventures he supported throughout Palestine (see below).
The Baron’s approach was thorough and hands-on. He was determined to make all his “investments” succeed. He paid off the debts of the settlers and they received a monthly stipend. He bought more land, built an Ashkenazi synagogue, a house for the settlement teacher and doctor, and two office buildings for his clerks. These buildings would become the administrative center for all the Upper Galilean towns he subsequently supported. A rural school was also established.
New immigrants settled in Rosh Pina in 1948 after the War of Independence and there was further growth after the Six-Day War. The town took off in a major way in the late 1980s when artisans sought inexpensive old homes they could convert to studios and art galleries. This was the first stage in Rosh Pina becoming a tourist haven.

You are welcome to step inside the home of Dr. Mer, the settlement's physician.

The is the synagogue built by Baron Edmond de Rothschild for the early settlers.
Baron Edmond de Rothschild – HaNadiv HaYadu’a (the Known or Famous Benefactor)
In the early 1880s, Baron Edmond de Rothschild (1845-1934) received urgent requests from Chovevei Zion members for financial support to prevent the immanent collapse of the farming villages of Rishon LeZion, Zikhron Ya’akov and Rosh Pina. The Baron responded by underwriting all the expenses of these settlements. Thus began for him a lifetime of enthusiastic philanthropic work in Palestine, and for the Yishuv the crucial support needed to actualize Jewish settlement in Palestine.
The Baron was born in France, a third child to the founder of the French branch of the Rothschild banking dynasty. He was not involved in the banking business but pursued artistic and philanthropic interests, including supporting several scientific institutions in France and elsewhere.
He and his descendants would support 44 settlements in then Palestine, including moshavim and moshavot (farming villages). The Baron approached his projects not as charity but as business ventures. He brought European agricultural experts to advise the settlers. His support was pivotal in planting vineyards and starting the Carmel Winery company in Rishon LeZion and Zikron Ya’akov. This winery became among the largest in the world for that time. It was also the beginning of the wine industry as as a major industry in Israel. He supported the beginning of the industrialization of the country, including an unsuccessful glass factory for making bottles for the wines, this being the first Jewish factory in Ottoman Palestine. He also supported the development of other factories for agricultural products and the construction of power stations. It is estimated that his support came to the equivalent of over 50 million dollars in today's currency.
He promoted the use of Hebrew in schools. He also encouraged members of the First Aliyah to maintain their connection to Judaism and he built synagogues for these communities. He is quoted as saying: “Religious yearning is a principle among Jews …. Only a sense of religion can unite all parts of the people …. You were the first to show the way of agriculture to those who will follow you. It is your obligation to show them the way of the Jewish heart.”
His agricultural enterprises employed Arab labor, and this encouraged large scale Arab immigration into the country from surrounding countries, to an even greater extent than Jewish immigration. He maintained excellent relationships with the Arabs working in his settlements and this paid off during Arab disturbances. In a letter to the League of Nations in 1934 he wrote: “The struggle to put an end to the wandering Jew, could not have as its result, the creation of the wandering Arab.”
Twenty years after their deaths, he and his wife were re-interred from France in Ramat HaNadiv Memorial Gardens near the towns of Zichron Ya’akov and Binyamina Givat-Ada. He had supported both these towns and both were named in his honor – Yaakov (James) was the name of his father and Ada (Adelaide) his wife. This garden, incidentally, is a beautiful place to visit and a very inspiring movie can be seen about the Baron’s philanthropic activities in Palestine. The family’s later charitable foundation was called Yad HaNadiv.
At the ceremony for their reinterment, prime minister Ben Gurion said: “I doubt that, in the entire history of the Jewish people in the Diaspora, a period of 2,000 years, one could ever find a man comparable in stature to the incredible character that was Baron Edmond de Rothschild.”
As you go up the hill towards the Artists' Village, Derech Shuv St. merges into HaHalutzim St. The cobbled pavement indicates that you are now in the historic part of Rosh Pina. After passing Gan HaBaron (the Baron's Garden) on your left, turn left onto HaBoulevard to view buildings of historic interest.
The first house on the left is the home of Professor Gideon Mer (A) who moved to Rosh Pina in 1929. His home and workshop can be entered.
Dr. Mer moved to Rosh Pina in 1929. Born in Lithuania, then part of Russia, he studied medicine in France, but in 1914 gave up his studies to immigrate to Palestine where he engaged in farming. Like many other Jews in Palestine, he was expelled from Palestine by the Turks during World War 1 as an enemy alien and moved to Egypt. Here he responded to Joseph Trumpeldor’s call for the founding of a Jewish brigade for the British and he served in the Jewish Mule Corps. After the war he returned to Europe to complete his medical training. On his return to Israel, he created a laboratory in his home for the study of mosquitos and malaria eradication. Malaria from mosquitos was then a major problem from the swamps in the Hula Valley. He was not averse to experimenting on himself and his family with his mosquitos. The cages for the mosquitos are still in his office. In 1927, he founded the Malarial Research Station of the Hebrew University in Rosh Pina. He also held various military positions. His work on malarial control won him international recognition.
The next building on your left is the House of the Clerks (Beit Hapikud) (B). This is where the Baron’s clerks supervised Rosh Pina and other settlements in the Galilee.
Inside this building is a visual display in Hebrew about the development of Rosh Pina. There is also a movie that can be viewed in Hebrew, English or Russian. (The movie is more of a play than a documentary, and its full significance is difficult to appreciate without some knowledge of the history of Rosh Pina). There is an admission charge. The movie is shown at regular intervals on Friday and Saturday (11.00 am, 12.00 pm and 1.00 pm) and no reservation is needed (but check on these times). On other days a reservation is required. Their phone number is 04 693-6913.
You can also enter Gan HaBaron from the side of the House of Clerks. Planted in 1884, this garden was intended to resemble the famous garden in Versailles, although it is not in quite the same league.
The street turns to the right as Rishonim St. The second house on your left after the turn belonged to Simha Vilkomitch, the principal of the settlement school (C). His school was the first in the world to teach all subjects in Hebrew and it became an educational model throughout the country. His home is now an art gallery and store. Opposite this, on the other side of the street, is the Alter Schwartz Hotel, the first hotel constructed in the Galilee (D). It was built at the end of the 19th century by Altar Schwartz, who was the first postman for the moshav.
At the end of the street on the left is the Synagogue (E), the first public building erected in Rosh Pina. By the 1930s it was no longer in use, but recently it has been holding services. The interior décor is reputed to be impressive, although the building is usually closed to visitors.
A visit to Nimrod Lookout, an observation point and memorial to a soldier who died in the Lebanon War, is worthwhile. Turn right at the synagogue onto Hanadiv St. and at the end of this street turn left onto HaHalutzim. Then take the first left to the observation point.
From Nimrod Lookout you can see the often snow-covered Mount Hermon, the Golan Heights and the Jordan Valley. The chain of hilltops seen on the Golan Heights are a chain of extinct volcanoes. The Hula Valley is just beyond your view on your left.

Map of walk in historic Rosh Pina and along the Rosh Pina Stream
A Home of Professor Gideon Mer
B House of the Clerks (Beit Hapikud)
C Home of Simha Vilkomitch, principal of the settlement school, now an art gallery and store
D Alter Schwartz Hotel
E The Synagogue
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A wonderful way to round off your visit to historic Rosh Pina is a walk along the Rosh Pina Stream in the Rosh Pina Nature Reserve. From the entrance gate to the furthest gate and back is about a 60-minute walk and a distance of 2¼ Km.
Return to the synagogue and take either of the paths by the side of the building to the steps below. Turn right when you reach the main road Derech HaHelmoniyot.
Go through the gate of the park and walk along the stream riverbed. Three springs discharge water year-round. The kids can play in the water. Alongside the path are olive, almond and fig trees.
During the Fall (in about November), consider viewing the sternbergia flowers (helmoniyot in Hebrew). Viewing these flowers during their limited flowering season is almost an Israeli obsession. Close to the far gate, take the green trail on your right and climb up the steep slope. You may see the yellow flowers, although the plants have no leaves yet at this stage.
Return the way you came back to your car.
Hike from Safed to Rosh Pina along Nahal Rosh Pina:
It is also possible to hike along the Nahal Rosh Pina wadi from Safed to Rosh Pina and ending at the Rosh Pina Nature Reserve. It takes just over 1½ hours and is a distance of 3½ Km to the synagogue. The beginning of the trail in Safed is at the end of Baraket St. opposite a water tower with the sign Halumot. Enter "ברקת צפת" into Waze. Park on the side of the road. A bit beyond the water tower is a pole with a black band, which is the beginning of the trail.
The hike is not difficult, although the path is stony. It is well-marked with black markings. It is a pleasant but not remarkable hike, with the nicest part being the Rosh Pina Nature Reserve. It is questionable, therefore, whether it is worth doing this hike rather than just walking in the section in Rosh Pina, especially as you will need to get back to your car in Safed. If you have no second car, call for a taxi on Gett. You will usually have to pay for the taxi driver to come from Safed, but the total for the trip should not be more than about 50 NIS.

The Rosh Pina Stream in Rosh Pina Nature Reserve.

The path along the Rosh Pina Stream in Rosh Pina Nature Reserve.

The upper part of Nahal Rosh Pina close to Safed.
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